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Residential Property For Sale


Residential Property Map

Offer to Purchase












Council has developed commercial property for sale. The properties can be viewed by clicking on the link below. The package includes the prices per lot and the zoning information for the commercial subdivision.


Commercial Property Map

Commercial Property Sale Agreement Package


See details of available properties below. 

Contact the village office for more information. Phone: (306) 984-2353 or Email:

As per Bylaw 61/2005 Zoning Bylaw for the Resort Village of Chitek Lake,

please note the following permitted and discretionary uses for commercial properties:


5.2 C-Commercial District

   5.2.1 Permitted Uses
     (1) community halls and municipal offices
     (2) motels and tourist cabins
     (3) restaurants
     (4) confectionaries
     (5) bait and tackle shops
     (6) boat rental and service shops
     (7) parks and playgrounds, day use picnic areas, and sports fields
     (8) public works (including warehouses and storage yards)
     (9) seasonal campgrounds
     (10) accessory uses to the principal use when located on the same lot as that use


   5.2.2 Discretionary Uses
     (1) docks, boat launch facilities on Village property
     (2) marinas without motor fuel sales, on Village property
     (3) single detached dwellings accessory to an approved commercial use
     (4) single detached dwellings accessory to an approved seasonal campground

© 2023 by Resort Village of Chitek Lake.

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